
Speech Pathologists

From age 2-3, children with speech disorders might have issues producing p, b, m, h, w k, g, f, t, d & n. Experts agree that talking through a Dummy, can affect the ability to clearly make sounds. One way to check if your child is developing a lisp is to say the word "silly" and listen to how the /s/ sound is pronounced. The lisp will be most pronounced when making the /s/ sound. Another way to check for a lisp is to say "shoe." If you place your tongue between your teeth when producing the /sh/ sound, then your child may have a lisp Have your child professionally assessed if you have any concerns and listen to others who comment that your child's speech is not clear as often the parent can not actually hear the issue. This is your chance to help your child overcome a speak issue which may affect their self confidence as they enter pre-school.

Speech Pathologists